
New forest development plan elaboration and finalization processes were established in the context of Adapted Forestry Regime (AFR) harmonization and Schedule C‑4 was completely reworked under the Sustainable Forest Development Act (SFDA) of April 1, 2013 and the Agreement on Governance in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Territory between the Crees of Eeyou Istchee and the Gouvernement du Québec. These processes provide for:

  • participation, in the form of consultation, by the Crees in the various forest activities operations planning and management processes, notably for forest plan finalization and monitoring;
  • collaboration, in the form of concerted action, by the Cree Nation Government (CNG) and the Eeyou Istchee James Bay Regional Government (EIJBRG) in the participation process aimed at planning forest development activities.

Local integrated land and resource management panels (TGIRT) were set up to:

  • take into account the interests and concerns of the Crees and Jamesians affected by the forest development activities planned on Category II and III lands;
  • set local sustainable forest development objectives and agree on measures to harmonize uses.


Three forest planning tools have been implemented.

Tactical integrated forest development plan (PAFIT)

Established for five years by the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP), it contains:

  • the annual allowable cuts;
  • the sustainable forest development objectives;
  • the forest development strategies to use to attain these objectives;
  • the location of the main infrastructures and areas of increased timber production.

*Click on the image to view the following in detail:


Integrated operational forest development plan (PAFIO)

Covering the period when the PAFIT applies and in keeping with the PAFIT, it contains:

  • the forest operations zones designated for timber harvesting or other forest development activities;
  • the register of operational harmonization measures for land use adopted by the Minister and which concern the Crees.

*Click on the image to view the following in detail:

Preparation process for PAFIO ANGLAIS_Processus_PAFIO 2018-2018_Préparation

Finalization process for PAFIO ANGLAIS_Processus_PAFIO_2018_2023_Finalisation

Annual selection of forest operations zones

Each year, in the PAFIO, the Minister selects twice as many forest operation zones as he may actually authorize in a single year, in order to enhance flexibility in the operational management of timber harvesting or other forest development activities. The Minister and Cree tallyman shall cooperate regarding this selection, meeting at least once a year.

*Click on the image to view the following in detail:
